Your Name

Haiyue Ma

Ph.D. Student in Computer Architecture

About Me

I am an Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. candidate at Princeton University, doing research in Computer Architecture.

I am a member of the Princeton Parallel Group, advised by Prof. David Wentzlaff.

Before joining Princeton, I spent three years at Nvidia, working on architecture explorations for future GPU designs with a focus on DL workloads, and full-chip GPU power analysis. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 2018.


I am broadly interested in hardware/software co-design and system-level performance optimization for emerging workloads. My main research direction is on scheduling.

My past and current work includes:

LLM Scheduling

Data-Aware Instruction-Level Scheduling


You can download my CV here.

Blog Articles on Crazy Ideas



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